What Is the Average Profit Margin for a Company in the Banking Sector?
Jul 29, 2023 By Kelly Walker

Understanding the average profit margin for a company in the banking sector is essential knowledge for any investor or financial marketer. Profit margins vary significantly among different organizations, so it’s important to understand how much you could make if you decide to invest in a specific bank.

In this blog post, we scour through publicly available data and research findings to uncover what constitutes a healthy profit margin for companies in this industry.

Whether you’re looking to gain insight into potential investments or simply want an overview of industry trends, this article has what you need!

Overview of the Banking Sector and What Kinds of Companies Are Included

The banking sector includes commercial banks, savings and loans associations, credit unions, trust companies, investment banks, insurance companies, and other financial services firms.

Each type of company can present different profit margins based on their strategies and operations.

Therefore, to understand the average profit margin in this sector, it’s important to look at the data and research published about each type of company.

What Is the Average Profit Margin for Banks?

The banking sector's average profit margin can vary significantly depending on each bank's size, geography, and risk profile.

Generally speaking, larger banks that operate globally will have higher profit margins than smaller regional banks.

In 2017, the average net interest margin (NIM) – which measures the difference between the amount of money a bank earns from customer loans and deposits versus what it pays to borrow from other sources – for U.S. commercial banks was 3.19%.

This indicates that the banking sector is generally quite profitable, though there are examples of organizations with higher and lower margins than this average figure.

Additionally, research conducted by Deloitte shows that larger banks tend to have significantly higher NIMs than their regional counterparts; in particular, global megabanks can boast profit margins of over 6%.

What Are Some Factors That Impact a Bank’s Profit Margin?

1. Interest Rates

The interest rate environment is the primary factor that impacts a bank’s profit margin. A bank’s ability to make money depends on offering attractive loan rates while collecting deposits at cheaper rates.

When interest rates are low, banks tend to have lower profit margins; conversely, when interest rates are high, it can lead to higher profit margins for banks.

2. Risk Profile

Another important factor that affects a company’s profitability is its risk profile. Banks that take on more risk in their operations tend to have higher profits due to the potential return from investments or lending activities.

On the other hand, organizations with lower risk profiles may struggle to turn a large profit.

3. Geography

Geographic factors can also influence a bank’s profitability. Banks operating in regions with higher GDP per capita tend to have better returns due to increased spending power and access to financial instruments such as credit cards or mortgages.

Conversely, banks in areas with lower GDP may need help generating the same profits that their more prosperous counterparts can realize.

4. Size

The size of a bank can also have an impact on its profit margin. Generally, larger banks with more resources and capital enjoy higher returns than smaller organizations due to their greater capabilities in terms of operations and investments.

The Impact of Technology on Profit Margins:

Technology is continually evolving and becoming more advanced. This advancement often reduces production costs for companies, allowing them to increase their profit margins.

For banks, this can be seen in the increased automation of online banking services, eliminating the need for manual labor or physical cash handling.

Additionally, technological advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI) are helping banks automate processes such as fraud detection and customer service inquiries, resulting in further cost reductions.

In addition to reducing operational costs, technology also brings new opportunities for revenue growth. Online banking platforms provide customers access to their accounts from any web-enabled device, increasing customer loyalty and engagement.

Banks can leverage these platforms by introducing additional fees for premium features or charging fees associated with certain transactions, which generate new revenue streams.

Comparisons of Bank Profit Margins

When comparing the profit margins of different banks, it’s important to remember that each bank has unique strategies and objectives. That said, it is possible to understand the average profit margins in this industry by looking at data from various sources.

For instance, according to recent data compiled by Statista, the median return on equity (ROE) for all commercial banks and thrifts in the United States was 8.71% in 2020.

This figure indicates that, on average, banks can generate healthy profits from their investments. However, it’s important to note that some companies may have higher or lower ROEs than this average value depending on their specific strategies and policies.

Ways to Improve Your Bank's Profit Margin

Improving a bank’s profit margin requires careful planning and execution of strategies that optimize operational efficiency while increasing revenue. Here are some ways to improve your bank’s profit margin:

1. Maximize operational efficiency: Reducing unnecessary costs, streamlining processes, and leveraging technology to automate mundane tasks.

2. Increase customer loyalty: Invest in customer service initiatives such as developing personalized services or providing rewards programs for customers who remain loyal to the brand.

3. Introduce new product offerings: Consider introducing products or services that appeal to a wider range of customers and generate additional revenue


4. Leverage data insights: Analyze customer data and use it to inform decisions about marketing campaigns and new product launches.

5. Expand into new markets: Look for opportunities to expand the bank’s presence in different markets and countries, which can open up additional sources of income.

6. Optimize pricing strategy: Review current pricing models and adjust them

according to market conditions and competitor offerings.

7. Utilize digital marketing technologies: Adopt digital marketing techniques such as SEO/SEM campaigns or social media influencer collaborations to reach a wider audience.

By implementing these strategies, banks can improve their profit margins and become more competitive.


Is a 37% profit margin good?

It depends on the context. Generally speaking, a 37% profit margin is considered above average and indicates an organization has a healthy bottom line. However, it’s important to consider industry averages and other factors when assessing this metric.

What can I do to increase my company’s profit margin?

There are several steps you can take to improve your company's profitability. These include analyzing existing business processes for bottlenecks or inefficiencies, negotiating better vendor pricing, and reducing overhead costs.

What is a good gross profit margin for banks?

On average, banks have a gross profit margin of around 10-15%, which can vary significantly depending on the markets they serve and other factors. It’s important to consider industry averages when making investment decisions.


The banking sector is lucrative, but there's yet to be a single answer to what constitutes a healthy profit margin. Our analysis of publicly available data and research findings shows that banks' average profit margin is 15-20%. Investors should take this into account when considering investments in the banking sector. Ultimately, each company must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.